High School
Junior High
All USD 322 curricular resources officially adopted are aligned to state standards. We make every effort to ensure guaranteed and viable curricula so there are no gaps in student understanding.
How are Resources Chosen?
Our core subject curricula are on a renewal cycle. Six years for math and reading and as needed for other resources. The year prior to a new curriculum being adopted, a curriculum adoption is formed of relevant teachers and administrators. This team is made up of teachers who are grade level or team leaders, have been recommended by their principal, or have requested to be a part of the team.
The steps that are taken to adopt a new curriculum vary, but generally include the following:
Identify strengths and weaknesses of current resource. Determine top priorities to look for in a new resource.
Begin speaking with colleagues in other districts and reviewing current curriculum ratings using Ed Reports or other review websites.
Meet with representatives of what seem to be the top 3-5 options
Narrow choices down to top 2-3 resources
Test samples of top choices in the classroom
Collect feedback from teachers
Determine top choice
Negotiate price and present to board of education for adoption
Below you will see a list and links to learn more about our adopted resources.
This is not a comprehensive list, as other materials may be used in our classrooms. Novel studies and read aloud books, for example won't be listed below. The resources you see are program series that are district adopted. These resources and reviewed and correlated the the State Board of Education adopted State Standards.
Onaga USD uses assessments strategically to provide teachers and administrators an accurate understanding of where students are so that we can target instruction and interventions appropriately. This is done to individualize instruction to the specific needs of each child.